Writing Skill——The Prewriting Process

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  Nowadaya Chinese college students tend to be poor in writing,either for their poor grammar or for their small vocabulary.Above all,I think,one of the writing skill:prewriting is very important in college writing.
  Sometimes when we’re reading some great works,we would consider some questions that good writers think about as they prepare to write.Experienced writers might go over some of these prewriting matters almost unconsciously and perhaps as they write instead of before.But in other to explain how to get the process going for you,we will present these considerations one by one.
  I,Who are my reader?
  Unless you are writing a journal or a diary for your own satisfaction,your writing always has an audience:the person or group of people who will read it.You need to keep this audience in mind as you plan what to say and as youchoose the best way to express your ideas.And for college students,your audience will be the teachers who are responsible to judge your writing.
  (Analyze the Audience)
  No doubt you already have considerable audience awareness.You would never write a job application letter using the lastest in-group slang,nor would you normally correspond with your dear Aunt Minnie in impersonal formal English.Writing for diverse groups about whom you know little is more difficult than writing for a specific audience whom you know well..
  II.Why am I writing?
  Every kind of writing,even a grocery list,has a purpose.You seldom sit down to write without some aim in mind,and this purpose affects your whole approach to writing.The immediate response to the question”Why am I writing?”may be that your teacher or your employer asked you to.But that answer will not help you understand the reasons that make writing worth doing and worth reading.
  (Different Purposes to Write Different Paper)
  Sometimes you may write in order to express your own feelings,as in a diary or a love letter.More frequently,though,you will be writing for several other people,and the response you want your audience to be amused by your writing,your purpose is to entertain.If you want your readers to gain some knowledge from your writing,then you are writing to inform.If you want your readers to agree with an opinion or to accept an idea,then you are writing to persuade.
  Most of your writing in this course,as in real life,will attempt to persuade in one way of another.Your purpose is often to convince your reader to agree with the points you are making.Logical ideas set down in clear,interesting writing should prove convincing and keep your readers reading..
  III.What ideas should I use?
  (In Directed Freewriting)
  Many people find that they can best bring ideas to the surface by writing freely,with no restrictions about correctness.But,after writing for ten minutes,please stop and read over what you have said.Underline any idea that might serve as the focus for a paper.
  A word of advice:Do not think of our freewriting as a first draft.The ideas produced here need to be organized into a unified,logical plan,a process which may not be discussed here.
  (In Clustering)
  Another useful way of getting ideas out of your head and down on paper involves clustering.Begin with a blank sheet of paper.In the center write a crucial question about the story that you what to investigate.And circle the words,then,draw a line out from the circle,write an idea or a question related to the central idea,and circle that.spiraling out from that circle,add and circle any further associations that you can make.Continue drawing lines from the center,like spokes radiating from a wheel,and record any other ideas of questions that are related.When you finish,you will have a cluster of related ideas resembling.
  You can see that this technique workswell for exploring ang aspect of a work..As you progress through this course,you may decide to write in the middle of the page point of view,setting,imagery,or whatever element you think might serve as a meaningful focus for your paper.If you have trouble finding out enough material,you need to try another element.If you produce too much,you can narrow your focus.
课堂教学公平的因素是多方面的,加之某些主观因素的难以控制,这就决定了充分实现课堂教学公平将是一项艰巨的事情。不过我们仍然坚信,随着人们民主平等意识的增强和课堂教学改革的深入,课堂教学“格式化”现象将会逐步得到纠正,将会最大可能地保证平等地对待平等的学生,使每个受教育者得到全面和谐的发展,笔者用如下方法阐述“格式化”的语文课堂:    一、“格式化” 不正确的学生观    现代教育理论告诉我们,每位
摘要:运动员协调性和放松能力的强弱决定着100M跑的成绩的优劣。本文结合短跑实际,运用运动理论知识,从放松技术与100M跑的内在联系入手,阐明了放松技术在100M跑中的重要性。  关键词:田径运动;放松运动;100M跑    放松技术是指人体快速运动中肌肉本身的放松能力,熟练地掌握放松技术,对速度的发展,运动成绩的提高有着积极的影响。  短跑的难点就在于将起跑后获得的最高速度尽可能保持较长的时间,
内容摘要:设置语文教学“和谐愉悦”的课堂氛围,能提高学生的学习兴趣。教师应在课堂教学中运用幽默艺术的语言激发学生的学习兴趣。采用赏识教学,突出学生学习的主体性,从而达到教书育人的目的。  关键词:和谐 愉快 兴趣 赏识    夸美纽斯曾有一个生动形象的比喻:如果人们吃饭没有食欲勉强吞食,其结果只能引起恶心和呕吐。反之,如果在饥饿感的驱使下把食物吞到胃里去,那就会使人乐意的接受,并且很好的消化……这
摘要 构建理想高中英语课堂,需要把新课程所倡导的教育理念、思想转化为行动,需要关注教学实践、关注教学细节。细节的背后是一种理念,而设计的细节只有在流动的课堂整体中才能彰现其价值。  关键词教学细节;师生关系;精心预设;精彩生成    一、引言    对于新课程理念,一线教师大多耳熟能详,而事实上,我们的课堂、我们的教学在很多情况下理念与行为分离。因此,如何有效融合理念与行为、将理论化为行为是广大高
【摘要】本文阐述了教学情境的涵义及其在教学中所起的作用,提出并论述了创设语文教学情境的五大途径:巧设问题,设置情境;运用实物,演示情境;利用多媒体,创设情境;扮演角色,体会情境;联系生活,展现情境。  【关键词】情境教学 作用 创设途径    情境教学是指在教学过程中为了达到即定的教学目的,从教学需要出发、引入,创造或创设与教学内容相适应的具体场景或氛围,以引起学生的情感体验,帮助学生迅速而正确地
摘要“力求有个性、有创意地表达,根据个人特长和兴趣自主写作。”“为学生的自主写作提供有利条件和广阔空间,减少对学生写作的束缚,鼓励自由表达和有创意表达。” 《语文课程标准》在写作教学中提倡“个性化写作”。“个性化写作”最主要的是独具慧眼,在观察事物、认识事物的角度上独辟蹊径,表现出文章的新颖性和创造性。作为语文教师,我们要给学生提供尽可能多的发展创造性思维的条件,积极引导学生启动思想的航船,扬起想
摘要课堂是学校实现教育目的的主渠道。怎样才能发挥学生的主体性呢?我们在“自主参与”背景下进行课堂教学改革,积极引导学生主动参与课堂教学,以学生为本,促进学生健康发展为取向,增强学生的主体意识。教师在课堂上为学生创设条件,合理的“导”是发挥学生的主体性的关键,教师创设积极向上的学习氛围,让学生成为课堂学习的主人,让课堂成为学生张扬个性、健康成长的乐园。  关键词新课程标准 体育教学 主体性     
内容提要在“接受美学”、“对话论”等现代教学理论指导下,本文针对传统教学中视教材、教参、教师为权威,漠视课堂学习的主体的不良现象,在阅读教学中提出“别样阅读”,即通过变换观点、人称,结构、角色、文体、语言等形式,将原作进行创造性阅读。这种阅读法肯定读者在阅读作品时是驾驭者,阅读过程是一个再创造过程,而且能够变课堂教学单向信息灌输为多向信息传递。  关键词 对话论 别样阅读 创造性阅读    一、问