背景胰腺导管内乳头状黏液瘤(IPMN)是由胰腺导管内产生黏液的上皮细胞呈乳头状增殖形成的肿瘤,该肿瘤具有癌变的风险且肿瘤的治疗与IPMN性质密切相关,因此IPMN恶变预测尤为重要,目前尚缺乏研究计算机断层扫描(CT)和磁共振成像(MRI)在IPMN诊断中价值。方法 2011年9月到2013年9月韩国蔚山大学医学收治经病理证实IPMN280例,158例术前均行CT和MRI检查且经手术病理证实
Background Pancreatic ductal papillary myxoma (IPMN) is a tumor formed by papillary proliferation of mucus-producing epithelial cells in the pancreatic duct with a risk of canceration and the treatment of tumors is closely related to the properties of IPMN. Therefore, IPMN malignancy is particularly predictive Importantly, there is a lack of research into the value of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of IPMN. Methods From September 2011 to September 2013, 280 patients with pathologically confirmed IPMN were admitted to Ulsan University in Korea. 158 patients underwent preoperative CT and MRI examinations and confirmed by surgery and pathology