The gray correlation analysis of seven major agronomic traits, such as rapeseed yield per unit area, was conducted on a new combination of 11 new rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars bred in recent years by the Institute of Oil Crops, Guizhou Provincial Institute of Geography. The results showed that the correlations between the same traits and yield of different hybrid rape cultivars were different. The correlations of different agronomic traits and yield within the same combinations were also different. (R1 = 09067)> plant height (r2 = 0.8398)> number of effective branches (r3 = 0.7892)> number of grains (r5 = 0.7237)> effective angle Fruit number (r4 = 0.4276)> 1000-grain weight (r6 = 0.3767). In the process of combinatorial breeding of Brassica napus, we should pay attention to the selection of a combination of high productivity, moderate plant height and effective branches per plant. At the same time, we should select the number of grains and effective pods . The 1000-grain weight is relatively stable to the same combination of materials, with a small variation range. The effect of selecting 1000-grain weight during breeding is not obvious.