马克思主义哲学在形成的过程中是否受到过中国传统哲学的影响 ,这个问题应从三个不同的层次来加以回答。一是历史文化背景的层次 ;二是包括间接来源和直接来源在内的学脉渊承的层次 ;三是直接来源的层次。在 1 6~ 1 8世纪的东学西渐的潮流中 ,中国传统哲学传入西方 ,从而作为马克思主义哲学形成的历史文化背景 ,这是没有疑义的。在此前提下 ,是否构成马克思主义哲学的间接来源 ,以至直接来源 ,这既需要大胆探索 ,更需要严密论证 ,要把二者结合起来 ,才能获得科学的说明
Whether or not Marxist philosophy has been influenced by Chinese traditional philosophy in the process of its formation should be answered at three different levels. One is the level of historical and cultural background; the other is the level of succession, including indirect and direct sources; the third is the level of direct source. In the trend of gradual East-West learning from the 16th to the 18th centuries, it is doubtless that traditional Chinese philosophy should be introduced into the West so as to serve as a historical and cultural backdrop for the formation of Marxist philosophy. Under this premise, whether it constitutes an indirect source of Marxist philosophy, or even a direct source, requires both bold exploration and rigorous demonstration. To combine the two, we can obtain a scientific explanation