Twin children, both men .38 ~ + weeks, birth weight 2900g and 2000g, Apgar score of 1min to 1 minute. Childhood mothers prenatal eclampsia during labor convulsions 3 times with delirious 3h admission, on June 6, 1996 morning 8:10 cesarean section. Preoperative hydrochloride clopidogrel hydrochloride needle 2Smg, promethazine hydrochloride needle 25mg, pethidine needle 75mg and magnesium sulfate, mannitol, furosemide, epidural anesthesia (lidocaine + promethazine needle 75mg). Children born in the physical examination: heart rate 36 ~ 40 times / min, low heart sound blunt, no breathing. Immediately to clean the respiratory tract, triggering breathing, chest cardiac pressure, endotracheal intubation, positive pressure oxygen ventilation, intravenous injection of adrenaline needle, sodium bicarbonate, dexamethasone needle and other rescue, still breathing, about 10min vein Inject 0.1mg sodium hydrocorla hydrochloride, 15min irregular spontaneous breathing, stop after 2min, again with 0.1ng sodium oxythrolone, then there is breathing. Apgar score 30min 6 minutes, 40min8 minutes, then extubation