Application of Microcirculation Technique in the Observation of the Hand - acupuncture Point Huxiao Point Pharyngeal Pain Point for Myofascial Pain Disorder Syndrome. The aim was to observe the changes of tube length, tube diameter and blood flow velocity before and after treatment of MPD in hand and control groups, and compare with the values of tube in normal group to judge the curative effect. The results of statistical analysis showed that the changes in the tube after otoplasty had significant significance. At the same time, it was also observed clinically MPD patients gradually disappeared after the hand acupuncture pain symptoms, jaw opening and closing and lateral movement gradually returned to normal. The results show that the hand Hokgu and Moxibustion points for the treatment of MPD and improve blood circulation better than other methods, can be used as the preferred method of clinical conservative treatment of MPD. A 襞 tube 袢 value can be used as an objective indicator of differential efficacy.