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  近日,IMN Solutions展览服务集团行业关系部副总裁Lawson Hockman被国际展览与项目协会(IAEE)授予“行业传奇人物”荣誉。Lawson Hockman在展览与活动行业工作了长达45年的时间,在管理、业务开发等领域均具有丰富的才能,在盈利与非盈利领域均工作过。他在协会运营、金融管理、会议与展览管理、会员开发、市场营销、出版物管理等方格外出色。IAEE主席评价道:“Lawson是我们一位卓有成就的会员,同时也具备渊博的行业知识。”(苏希玲)
  Diversified Communications收购英国旗舰会计展会Accountex
  知名展会主办方Diversified Communications近日宣布收购英国唯一的针对会计与财务总监的展会——Accountex。本次收购是集团针对会员服务、资质认证类展会业务扩张的又一举动。
  Accountex展会创办于2012年,并迅速成长为英国会计领域的旗舰展会,并得到英国各大最重要的会计行业协会的支持。下届展会预计吸引5,000名世界各地的观众,参展商包括175个顶级会计行业供应商,150个认证会计研讨会与25个互动工作坊。下届展会将于2016年5月11-12日在伦敦ExCeL London展览中心举行。(苏希玲)
  本次业内独一无二的海报设计大赛由UFI和保加利亚Plovdiv国际展览公司共同主办,专门表彰展览行业内杰出的海报设计。来自18个国家的展会主办方共提交参赛海报68幅。评审团由展览业内人士与平面设计师组成。最终,由法兰克福展览有限公司提交的由wob AG公司设计的海报毫无争议地成为本次海报大赛的获奖作品。获奖者将在11月UFI米兰年会上获颁奖杯。(苏希玲)
  Lawson Hockman
  CEM, Vice President Industry Relations, IMN Solutions, was chosen as “Legend of the Industry" by the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE). After 45 years in the exhibitions and events industry, Hockman’s experience covers both the nonprofit and for-profit arenas spanning all areas of management and development with a strong emphasis on association operations and financial management, convention/trade show management, membership development, marketing, sales and publications management. "Lawson is a greatly accomplished member of the industry and indelible source of knowledge," noted 2015 IAEE Chairperson Megan Tanel, CEM.
  Diversified Communications continues to grow
  Diversified Communications?announced the acquisition of?Accountex?– the United Kingdom’s only national exhibition for accountants and finance directors. The acquisition continues Diversified’s rapid expansion of its business community portfolio, a group of products that provide membership, certification and face-to-face events for the business management professionals.
  The annual event, launched by The Prysm Group in 2012, has grown rapidly and established itself as a flagship event in the accounting calendar, enjoying the support of the UK’s most important accountancy associations. ?It is business as usual for the May 2016 show, which is currently enjoying record exhibitor sales.
  Messe Frankfurt named Award Winners of the 19th International Fair Poster Competition
  Organised by UFI and International Fair Plovdiv (Bulgaria), the 19th International Fair?Poster Competition recognises contemporary poster art which supports the?international exhibition industry.
  Trade fair organisers from 18?countries submitted 68 posters to take part in this year’s race for?“Best Generic Poster Promoting the Exhibition Industry as a whole”. The poster presented by Messe Frankfurt, designed by wob AG was?unanimously chosen as the Grand Award winner of the 2015 International?Fair Poster Competition.
Executives of the company based in the Swedish capital are currently very satisfied. “2015 went pretty well for us. The trade fair market appears to have slowly recovered,”says Patric Sj?berg, Stockho
Genuine innovations and new products inspire buyers  The trio of international consumer-goods fairs –Christmasworld, Paperworld and Creativeworld in Frankfurt am Main – ended with well-filled order bo
本报告最早发起于2008年年底,每年进行两次调查并发布结果。本次调查于2015年12月进行,覆盖全球12个区域和8个重点会展国家,共收到来自全球58个国家的240个UFI会员机构(包括主办方、场馆、会展服务商等)的回复,对全球展览行业的发展进行评估,具有相当的行业代表性。然而,某些地区的平均水平并不一定代表该地区所有国家的具体情况。下一次调查将于今年6月进行。  1 对展览业务成交量的预期  全球
加拿大魁北克会议中心在推动魁北克市旅游业发展,促进当地会展业发展方面发挥极大作用。2006年,中心荣获国际会议中心协会(AIPC)最佳场馆奖。此外,它也是AIPC质量评估金奖得主以及LEED环保大奖得主。每年,来此参会的加拿大国内外嘉宾共20,000多名。  会议中心坐落在魁北克市的中心地段,具备优越的服务品质与富有创新精神的员工,现在已经成为北美地区大型活动的首选场地之一。  该会议中心于199
Only 60 min from Paris (25 connections per day), 80 min from London (9 connections per day), 35 min from Brussels (15 connections per day) by train, Lille is the premier strategic European destination
经常参加国外展会的展商都知道,在国际展览会上会碰到来自全球各地的买家。在第一次见面的时候,参展商如果能了解一些沟通技巧,不仅能给潜在客户留下良好的第一印象,还能增加获得订单的概率。  对多数中国企业而言,出国参加一次展会不仅需要投入不菲的人力、财力、物力,提前做足各类筹备工作,真正到了展会上与外商沟通,在有限的时间里呈现自身产品信息与企业实力也是一门学问。然而,中外文化和沟通习惯有别,很多中国参展
法国里尔Grand Palais会议中心位于法国北部最大城市里尔。里尔处于巴黎、伦敦、布鲁塞尔这三个欧洲交通要点的中心。乘坐火车只需60分钟即可从巴黎,80分钟从伦敦,35分钟从布鲁塞尔到达里尔,交通极其便捷。Grand Palais会议中心是里尔市唯一坐落在市中心的会议中心,只需五分钟路程即可到达市中心的两个火车站,机场也在不远处。  会议中心共有45,000平米的活动面积,包含3个大宴会厅、4
10月5日,美国、日本等12个国家部长在美国亚特兰大宣布基本达成TPP协议(跨太平洋伙伴关系协议)。消息一出,立即引起了全球各经济体的重大关注,在中国国内也引发了很多讨论。有人担心,由美国领衔谈判而达成的TPP协议,将成为美国遏制中国在全球贸易不断扩张的武器,是对中国外贸事业的“围攻”,将对中国的出口贸易带来不利影响。  从涵盖内容来看,TPP协议不仅将规定取消或降低商品的关税,还将涵盖安全标准、
Israel has a territory of 25,000 square kilometers and a small population of 8 million people. The total bilateral trade volume is not impressive but has been growing rapidly in the past years. Today,
In January, Aquarama in Singapore, which is 27 years old since it was established, was acquired by VNU Exhibitions Shanghai, and the next session will be held in China Import and Export Fair Complex,