身边明星之老党员的风采岁月在他们的脸上留下了印记,但是他们心中的信仰依然笃定;离开工作岗位,在生活中他们依然践行着入党时的誓言;年华可以老去,但为人民服务的信念却不曾磨灭。这便是老党员的风采。为迎接建党90周年,本栏目特推出此专题。欢迎投稿,信箱:[email protected]。
However, the beliefs in their hearts are still certain. When they leave their posts, they still practiced the vows of joining the party in their lives. They will be able to grow old The faith in serving the people has not faded. This is the style of the old party members. To welcome the 90th anniversary of the founding of this column special launch this feature. Welcome submission, mail: [email protected].