
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoniaohk
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Objective: To investigate the cognitive functioning of migraineurs vs nonmigra ineurs in a large population-based sample of middle-aged twins where headache diagnoses were established by neurologists. Methods: Twins identified through th e population-based Danish Twin Registry participated in face-to-face structur ed interviews, which included cognitive tests and two previously validated quest ions screening for migraine. Twins who screened positive for migraine and their co-twins were invited to participate in a telephone-based interview conducted by neurologists, who established headache diagnoses according to the Internation al Headache Society criteria. Cognitive scores on fluency, digit span, delayed w ord recall, and symbol digit substitution test were compared between migraineurs and nonmigraineurs. Comparisons within monozygotic and dizygotic same sex twin pairs discordant for migraine were also performed. Results: Of the 1,789 twins w ho were eligible forinclusion in the present study, 1,393 (77.8%) were intervie wed.A diagnosis of migraine was established in 536 twins (migraine without aura n = 347; migraine with aura n = 157). Average scores on cognitive tests in twins with migraine or one of the migraine subtypes did not differ from those of nonm igraineurs in any of the tests. Comparisons within twin pairs discordant for mig raine produced highly comparable results. Adjustment for possible confounders an d stratification by cumulated number of lifetime attacks did not influence the r esults. Conclusions: A lifetime diagnosis of migraine was not associated with co gnitive deficits in middle-aged subjects. Objective: To investigate the cognitive functioning of migraineurs vs nonmigra ineurs in a large population-based sample of middle-aged twins where headache diagnoses were established by neurologists. Methods: Twins identified through th e population-based Danish Twin Registry participated in face-to -face structur ed interviews, which included cognitive tests and two previously validated quest ions screening for migraine. their co-twins were invited to participate in a telephone-based interview conducted by neurologists, who established headache diagnoses according to the Internation al Headache Society criteria. Cognitive scores on fluency, digit span, delayed w ord recall, and symbol digit substitution test were compared between migraineurs and nonmigraineurs. Comparisons within monozygotic and dizygotic same sex twin pairs discordant for migraine were also performed. Results : Of the 1,789 twins w ho were eligible forinclusion in the prese nt study, 1,393 (77.8%) were intervie wed. A diagnosis of migraine was established in 536 twins (migraine without aura n = 347; migraine with aura n = 157). Average scores on cognitive tests in twins with migraine or one of the Adjustment for possible confounders an d stratification by cumulated number of lifetime attacks did not influence the r esults. Conclusions : A lifetime diagnosis of migraine was not associated with co gnitive deficits in middle-aged subjects.
何以尚,广西兴业县人,明朝嘉靖壬子科举人,曾官至太卜寺卿,从三品衔,因闯宫救海瑞而闻名当世,是明代兴业县惟一入选《明史》的传奇人物,也是兴业县历史上官阶最高的入仕者。  青年处世,已显耿耿丹心  何以尚,字仁甫,号静吾。明嘉靖五年(1526年)生于广西兴业县石南镇东山村,其父亲是有名的旌表孝子何世锦,何以尚为家中长子,之下有以执、以悦、以就三弟。  何氏是乡中望族,何世锦不但孝行出名,对子女的教育
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