First, the foreword Electroplate Potentiometer test is the work of thermal instrumentation workers. The use of micro-computer instead of manual testing, can reduce a lot of duplication of effort. We designed the system can automatically complete the instrumentation uplink and downlink error indication of the work of verification, the upper and lower limits of the optional. Test results sprinkle instruction can be printed, drawing, save. In the verification process can always refer to the three commonly used thermocouple (nickel-chromium - nickel silicon, platinum and rhodium - platinum, nickel chromium - test copper) scale value. When the instrument fails, the test automatically interrupted, issued a warning to troubleshoot. The hardware configuration of the system is APPLEⅡc microcomputer system supported by DOS3.3, plus 12-bit A / D-D / A conversion card (modeled as 16 channels, modeled as 1 channel). The system is suitable for all types of electronic potentiometer.