(一) 《檀弓》是我国儒家古籍《礼记》中重要而别具特色的一篇。从根本上说,它是阐释、说明为礼之要的著作,但其着眼点并非礼仪制度的颁定,而是通过孔门师徒礼的传习、实践中的琐节,纪事来申释礼的内蕴,体现儒家重礼、贵礼精神。在儒家看来,礼之重要不仅在于礼仪制度行式,更在于礼乃是立身之根本,心灵之归依。孔子很重礼,说“不学礼无以立”,孔子弟子子游、子夏、曾子及其数传门徒,根据孔子重礼观念对礼更求繁细并加发挥,在实践中礼更见绵密繁博,一举一动,一顾一盼之微无不与复性节情、治国平天下有重要关系。《檀弓》便是这类纪事经崇礼儒者口笔相传、保留下来的文献之一。
(A) “Tan Gong” is an important and unique one in the Book of Rites of ancient Confucianism in our country. Fundamentally speaking, it is a book that explains and illustrates the essence of the ceremony, but its focus is not on the promulgation of the system of ritual but on the interpretation of Confucianism through the practice of Confucianism, the trivial practices, and the chronicle in practice Yun, reflecting Confucian emphasis on ceremony, spirit of your ceremony. In Confucian view, the importance of ceremony lies not only in the ritual system, but also in the fact that ritual is the foundation of ritual and the dependence of soul. Confucius is very religent, saying “no scholarship does not stand”, Confucius disciple child travel, Zixia, Zengzi and their data disciples, according to the concept of Confucius re-ceremony more elaborate and more exertion, in practice more See the prosperous and prosperous Bo, every move, look at the subtle and restorative affection, rule the country has an important relationship. “Tan Gong” is one of the documents that has been written down by such scholars as Confucianism.