管理层2000年春节后的第一个交易日推出“证券公司股票抵押融资贷款和新股发行向二级市场投资者配售”的两项规定之后,一时春水激荡,沪深两市陡然走出火爆行情,股指冲高震荡放量,双创历史新高,投资者兴奋不已,期盼后市能再上台阶。 新法规定“认购新股必须首先持有一
Management launched the first trading day after the Spring Festival in 2000 after the promulgation of the two provisions of “Securities Mortgage Financing Loans and New Shares Issuance to Secondary Market Investors”, the spring water turbulent, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets suddenly out of the hot market, Investors are excited about the record high shocks and double record highs, hoping investors will be able to go to the next level. The new law states that "subscription of new shares must first hold one