华北抗战 ,是抗日战争爆发后中国共产党领导的抗日游击战争的发端 ,也是全民族抗战的起点 ,它对于整个抗日战争的坚持、发展和胜利 ,有着决定性的意义。而作为华北抗战局面主要开创者之一的刘少奇 ,他的作用和贡献对于整个抗日战争的坚持、发展和胜利同样产生着重要的影响。为
The war of resistance in North China was the starting point of the anti-Japanese guerrilla war led by the CPC after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War and the starting point of the entire nation’s war of resistance against Japan. It was of decisive significance for the persistence, development and victory of the entire War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. As Liu Shaoqi, one of the major pioneers of the war of resistance in North China, his role and contribution also exerted an important influence on the persistence, development and victory of the entire War of Resistance. for