在上饶地区 各县、市文教局 长和中学校长会 议上,乐平中学 青年教师陈文炼 介绍的班主任工作经验,象一支动听的“园丁之歌”,紧紧地扣住了大家的心弦,许多从事教育工作多年的同志深有感触地说:“为四化建设快出人才,多出人才,就是需要千千万万这样的班主任。” 陈文炼老师是一九七二年开始担任教学工作的。八年来,他先后担任过四个班的班主任。在这四个班中,有曾经闻名全校的后进“典型”,也有被称为捅不动的“马蜂窝”的。但是,经过陈老师的精心工作,一个个都发生了变化。有的不仅跨进了学校的先进行列,还被评为全县先进班集体。
In the Shangrao region counties, municipal education bureau chiefs and secondary school principals meeting, Leping middle school young teacher Chen Wenlian introduced the class work experience, like a nice “gardener song”, firmly clinging to everyone's heart, many engaged in education Comrades who have been working for many years have said with deep feeling: “For the rapid development of four modernizations, more talents and more talents are needed for class teachers.” Chen Wen-cheng started his teaching work in 1972. For eight years, he has served as a teacher in four classes. Among the four classes, there are “classic” posthumous members who have been famous throughout the school, and the so-called “hornet's nest” that has been stabbed. However, after Chen's meticulous work, everything changed. Some not only stepped into the advanced ranks of the school, but also was named the county advanced class collective.