Hebei pomegranate is a pomegranate variety, peel purple, ovary 7-16 room, sub-up and down two-tier arrangement, the upper chamber 4-10, the lower 3-6, separated by a diaphragm between the ventricles. Each fruit contains 200-700 seeds, the edible part of the outer seed coat, rich in fruit juice. Normal mature fruit, fruit weight 140 grams or so, the maximum fruit weight 310 grams. The average seedling rate was 54.28%, the average juice yield was 40.15%, with high organic acids. Sour pomegranate concentrated in the central and southern Hebei Province, where Yuanshi County, with an annual output of 5-7.5 million kilograms, Tang County, End County with an annual output of 15-2.5 million