Famous Landscape Artist

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  Long Yun, whose literature name is Yunsongyuan Lay, was born in Guilin, a city “with the finest scenery under Heaven” in winter, 1975. Now she lives in Beijing. Cultivated with the awareness of painting since childhood, she now is a renowned artist in landscape painting and claborate-style painting. She serves as the member of the Brushwork Society of Chinese Artists Association, Permanent Secretary-General, special fellow member and full-time artist of Beijing Songyun Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and a council member of China Philanthropy Promotion Society, member of China Calligraphy and Painting Fellowship Society, and member of China Fresh Culture Association.
  Her works have been exhibited many times and won many awards in China. Her works inherit the style of the contemporary masters, which is extensive and profound, and shows the combination of the strengths of different schools. Her painting is passionate, bold and unrestrained. She is listed as one of the most famous painter of landscape painting. Her work Nine Dragons Playing with the Pearl and The Early Spring of Li River were exhibited in the China’s Sunlight—2008 Culture and Art Exhibit in Taiwan and collected by the Taiwan Art Association.
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龙云,女,号云淞园居士。1975年冬月出生于山水甲天下的故乡——桂林,现定居北京。从小有着浓厚绘画兴趣的云龙,是当今著名山水画兼工笔画画家。她现为中国美术家协会工笔协会会员,北京松云书画院常务秘书长,特级院士,专职画家,中国公益事业促进会理事,中国书画联谊会会员,中国清新文化协会会员。  其作品多次在中国展出过,多次荣获奖项。画风秉承当代各级大师笔墨华濨厚重的特点,追崇大家风范,博大精深,博众家之