晨曦下的京郊西三旗恬静安逸,一位精神矍铄的智者全神贯注地练着太极拳。两鬓白发记载了岁月的沧桑,炯炯目光透露出哲人的睿智,颇见功力的一招一式舒展着博大宁静的胸怀。他,就是著名法学家张晋藩教授。 在法学界,说起张晋藩教授,总爱把他与中国法制史这门学科联系起来。[2]50年来,张先生在法律史园地里辛勤耕耘。发表学术论文200多篇,著作30余部,培养博士生50余人。张先生的道德、文章赢得了社会普遍的认可和广泛的赞誉。他先后担任中国政法大学副校长、研究生院院长、国务院学位委员会法学评议组成员、国家重点学科带头人、中国法律史学会常务副会长、名誉会长、专业顾问等行政及学术职务,1991年被国务院授予具有突出贡献的专家称号。2001年10月被中国政法大学聘为“终身教授”。在荣誉面前,张晋藩先生总是淡然处之。
Under the dawn of the western suburbs of West Third Flags quiet and comfortable, a sober-minded person who concentrates on practicing Tai Chi. Two 鬓 white hair records the vicissitudes of life, eloquent reveals the wisdom of philosophers, quite skillful move a stretch of broad-minded quiet mind. He is a famous jurist Professor Zhang Jinfan. In the field of law, talking about Professor Zhang Jinfan, always loves him and the history of Chinese legal science linked to this discipline. For more than 50 years, Mr. Zhang worked hard in the history of legal history. Published more than 200 academic papers, more than 30 books, training more than 50 doctoral students. Mr. Zhang’s ethics and articles have won universal recognition and widespread acclaim from society. He has successively served as Vice President of China University of Political Science and Law, Dean of Graduate School, Member of the Law Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, Head of the National Key Discipline, Administrative Vice President, Honorary President and Professional Consultant of China Society of History of Law, 1991 The year was awarded the State Council has made outstanding contributions to the title of expert. In 2001 October was hired by China University of Political Science as “tenured professor.” In front of honor, Mr. Zhang Jinfan always take it lightly.