51年前,安徽省蚌埠郊区25岁的农村姑娘甘彩华因为在参加治淮建设中表现突出,被评为“治淮特等劳动模范”,一时成为受人关注的新闻人物。 2001年3月的一天,笔者来到甘彩华的家对她进行了采访,听说我是淮委来的,主动迎出门外的甘妈妈像久别重逢的亲人,热泪盈眶。我端详着51年前闻名治淮工地的“铁姑娘”,如今已成了白发苍苍,满脸皱纹的老妈妈。当听我说要采访她当年的先进事迹时,她笑笑说:“这些都是过去的事了,没啥好讲的了。”但在我一再要求下,她沉默了一会,然后好像有点不太好意思地抬起头说:从哪给你讲起呢?就从1950年淮河发
51 years ago, the 25-year-old rural girl Gan Caah-hua in the suburb of Bengbu in Anhui Province was appraised as “model worker of governance such as the Huai-teh” because of his outstanding performance in participating in the construction of the Huaihe River. One day in March 2001, I came to Gansaihua’s home and interviewed her. I heard that I was from Huaai Party Committee and took the initiative to welcome her out-of-home sweet mother like a long-lost loved one with tears in her eyes. I was familiar with the “Iron Maiden”, a place famous for its treatment of waiver 51 years ago, and now it has become a white-haired and wrinkled old mother. When I heard that I was going to interview her deeds of the past, she smiled and said: “These are the things of the past, there is nothing to talk about.” But when I repeatedly asked, she was silent for a while, then it seemed A little embarrassed looked up and said: where to tell you about it? From the Huaihe River in 1950