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  Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Secures 13,000 people event
  On 21 August, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) announced that it has secured the Lions Clubs International Convention 2024 (LCIC24), forecast to be largest conference ever won for Victoria. This mega event for Melbourne will see 13,000 Lions Club members from around the globe meet in Melbourne for the five-day annual convention in June 2024 and is anticipated to deliver 84.4 million Australian dollars in economic contribution for the state of Melbourne.
  The LCIC24 will result in 48,000 room nights for the city, equivalent to filling every single hotel room across Victoria for one night, and will create 550 jobs. Melbourne beat six global cities to secure the conference.
  GL events acquires two companies
  GL events has announced the acquisition of 70% of the companies Wicked and Flow. Created in 2007 and 2010 in Dubai, these companies are today leading providers of premium event solutions in the UAE: temporary structures and indoor fixtures, power and cooling units. With the acquisition, GL events Group has reinforced its position in the Middle East in preparation for major upcoming events lined up in the years ahead (Asian Football Cup 2019, the World Expo 2020 in Dubai, 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar).
  由法国励展集团分公司Reed MIDEM举办的享誉欧美地区全球知名的国际地产投资促进交易会戛纳国际地产投资交易会(MIPIM)将于2018年3月13-16日在法国戛纳举办。
  MIPIM 2018 for networking and transaction
  MIPIM 2018, the world’s property event organized by Reed MIDEM, will be held on 13-16 March 2018, at Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France. Created in 1990, MIPIM is the leading international real estate event which brings together the most influencial players of the industry: developers, investors, local authorities, architects, consultants and end users who meet every year in Cannes, France, for four days of conference, business and networking. In 2017, MIPIM welcomed over 24,200 participants from 100 countries, including 5,000 investors. The MIPIM brand now have MIPIM events in the UK, Hong Kong, and New York.
Terrorist attacks or killing sprees are now being reported so widely around the world that nobody can fail to notice them. But why do we feel more afraid after major attacks, in particular, and what c
当前,恐怖袭击和杀害热潮在世界各地时有报道,没有人会忽略它们。但是,为什么人们在重大袭击之后感到过度担忧,以及可以如何应对?心理学硕士Jana Domrose和活动安全专家Olaf Jastrob从以下角度给出了建议。  感知到的风险和真实存在的风险  人们往往很难实事求是地评估风险。一个典型的例子是2001年9月11日美国纽约世界贸易中心遭到袭击后的时期。由于担心再次发生劫机事件,许多美国人不再
From 3-6 September, 2017, European Showcase for Brands of China Expo was held in National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK. It is in order to further promote the Chinese products brand and to further
9月6-9日,极具业内影响力的第十三届中国(南京)国际软件产品和信息服务交易博览会(“软博会”)在南京国际博览中心成功举行。本届软博会以“软件定义世界、数据驱动未来”为主题,为国内外软件企业搭建交流与合作平台,并强化了南京作为首个中国软件名城的示范带动作用,取得了丰硕的成果。  与历届软博会相比,本届软博会再度取得了令人瞩目的成就。展会规模达11万平方米,继续保持国内同类展会第一。参展企业达137
为了反映行业服务的基本水平和整体面貌,2018年,本刊新增“出展大家谈”栏目,对出展相关服务情况进行调研,本期话题为出展搭建服务。  采访发现,由于国外搭建成本普遍较高,参展商在选择搭建服务时首要的考虑因素是性价比。另外,组展代理机构也会利用所积累的行业资源,为参展商统一采购标摊搭建服务,并为有特装需求的参展商推荐优质搭建服务供应商。与此同时我们看到,展台设计搭建在元素的多样性和环保性方面不断进步
The renown exhibition of its own kind, the 13th China (Nanjing) International Software Product & Information Service Trade Fair ("CIS") was held in Nanjing International Expo Center from 6-9 September
“技术进步或者说数码化革新是行业发展的一大潮流,另一个方面就是客户体验。通过技术和服务来提升观众体验,帮助观众见到目标人群,并提升商业效率。但在未来3-5年,展会本身的形式不会发生变化。”  “会展为先”策略扩展亚洲市场  作为亚洲地区领先的展会主办方,亚洲博闻旨在通过“会展为先”策略成为国际领先的展会主办方,近年来在实践“会展为先”方面也有颇多进展。据亚洲博闻有限公司主席及行政总裁爱新克介绍,一
金秋11月,正是澳门最浪漫的季节,以“濠江盛汇”为主题的高层次、国际化、专业化的陆海空联展盛会——澳门汽车、游艇、公务航空展将激情开启,与豪车、游艇、私人飞机爱好者们激情碰撞,展会将于11月3-5日盛大举行。  濠江盛汇-澳门汽车、游艇、公务航空展是在澳门特区政府、中央驻澳联络办、国务院国资委、港澳办、国家商务部、工信部等部门的大力支持下,在澳门经济财政司、贸促局、民航局、海事及水务局等政府部门的
As a high level lifestyle event, the 2017 Macau Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition themed with"Grand Gathering in Macau" will take place grandly in 3-5 November. The exhibition is supported