【摘 要】
We propose a quantum secure direct communication protocol with entanglement swapping and hyperentanglement.Any two users, Alice and Bob, can communicate with ea
【机 构】
Graduate School of Information Management and Security,Korea University,Center for Information Secur
【出 处】
Chinese Physics B
We propose a quantum secure direct communication protocol with entanglement swapping and hyperentanglement.Any two users, Alice and Bob, can communicate with each other in a quantum network, even though there is no direct quantum channel between them. The trust center, Trent, who provides a quantum channel to link them by performing entanglement swapping, cannot eavesdrop on their communication. This protocol provides a high channel capacity because it uses hyperentanglement, which can be generated using a beta barium borate crystal.
We propose a quantum secure direct communication protocol with entanglement swapping and hyperentanglement. Any two users, Alice and Bob, can communicate with each other in a quantum network, even though there is no direct quantum channel between them. The trust center, Trent, who provides a quantum channel to link them by performing entanglement swapping, can not eavesdrop on their communication. This protocol provides a high channel capacity because it uses hyperentanglement, which can be generated using a beta barium borate crystal.
摘要:电源电能质量评估在电网治理工作中占据着重要的作用,近年来,随着电力用户的增加,以及电网的整改工作开展,电力用户对于电能的质量要求越来越高。为了对分布式电源并网的可行性进行分析,引导、提升电能质量治理工作,需要在分布式的电源下,对电能质量进行评估。基于此,本文将对分布式电源电能质量评估方法进行研究。 关键词:分布式;电源电能质量;评估方法 电网中的电能质量发生变化,主要原因是由于分布式电源
A new planar InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode (APD) is proposed and fabricated,which incorporates a high reflective AlGaInAs/InP distributed Bragg reflector (DBR
摘要:电费管理属于供电企业财务管理的重点工作,它的执行程度是保证企业经济效益的关键。电费核算作为电费核算管理中最为关键的一环,涉及到多个部门。所以需要企业各相关部门的共同配合,构建科学有效的管理模式,使核算管理工作实现规范化和科学化。 关键词:电费核算;管理;问题;应对 作为电力企业,电费核算工作能够客观的反映出企业的真实经营状况。要严格按照国家相关法律法规和企业的规章制度执行。目前企业的电费
摘要:近年来,随着我国电力体制改革的不断深化,推动了电力事业的发展,电网规模逐步扩大,各种电力设备也随之增多。为了确保电力系统的安全、稳定、可靠运行,必须保证各种电力设备的运行稳定性,继电保护及自动化装置在电力系统中的应用,使这一目标得以实现。基于此点,本文首先简要分析了继电保护及自动化装置的可靠性,在此基础上对提高电力系统继电保护及自动化装置可靠性的途径进行论述。 关键词:电力系统;继电保护;
Negative refraction is the name for an electromagnetic phenomenon in which light rays are refracted at an interface in the reverse sense to that normally expect
This paper analyzes the current situation and deve
摘要:现阶段我国局部地区供电网络正处于送电结构不匹配、冬季供热设备负载大以及满载运行时间长的状况,由此导致电网以调峰、调频为主要控制手段的优化运行面临很大困难。基于此,推动电网结构的调控和创新步伐、努力实现电网结构的稳定、经济运行,已成为电力运行监督管理部门、电网运营单位、电力生产企业等多个系统必须充分重视且要尽快解决的迫切问题。 关键词:电网结构;优化问题;解决策略;抽水蓄能 0 引言 随
We investigate the dynamic characteristics of electric polarization P (t) in a ferroelectric junction under ac applied voltage and stress,and calculate the freq