在我童年时代,宜兴老家百米之内就排列着三座龙窑,整个丁蜀镇大约有三十余座大大小小的龙窑。一到晚上窑头上喷出的火龙映红了半边天空,灿若晚霞的壮景至今令我记意犹新。时过景迁,如今位于镇东南前墅村的古龙窑却成了唯一一座完整的艰难地维持运转的龙窑。 去年我和来自备前烧的金重有邦、隐崎隆一及家住东京的青瓷名家川濑忍三位当今在日本非常活跃的陶艺家们来到宜兴参观。置身于他们中间,被他们的情绪所感染,又一次感受到龙窑的魅力,同时在这难得的交流中产生了颇多的感想。 金重先生继承的是地道的日本传统文化,格守着备前烧的正统血
In my childhood, Yixing home within 100 meters arranged three dragon kiln, the entire Dingshu town about thirty large and small dragon kiln. One night at the kiln’s head shot red fire half of the sky, Canruo sunset so strong I remember. When the King moved, now located in the town of southeastern village before the Gulong kiln has become the only one complete difficult to maintain the operation of the Dragon kiln. Last year, I came to Yixing with three great celadon Masahiro Kawase, a famous celadon from Tokyo who lived in Kyushu State University. Exposure to them, their emotions are infected, once again feel the charm of the Longyao, at the same time in this rare exchange had a lot of feelings. Mr. Kim Chong inherited the authentic Japanese traditional culture, grid guarding the orthodox blood before the burn