全国亿万观众瞩目的中华人民共和国第十届运动会的盛大赛事圆满地成功了。对于电视人而言,我们在赞美广大运动员敢于拼搏争先,勇创优异佳绩的同时, 也为自己的辛勤付出而感到骄傲和自豪。因为,参与激情十运的电视转播,让我们在充分展示自我的同时,能够借助于这一百年难求的机遇,真正地懂得了自信的涵义。根据十运会组委会广电部的安排,我们盐城广播电视台承担了南通赛区击剑比赛、盐城赛区男子篮球小组赛和江阴赛区蹦床比赛的转播任务。从9月24号至
The spectacular Grand Prix of the 10th National Games of the People’s Republic of China, with hundreds of millions of spectators nationwide, successfully completed. For television people, we are proud and proud of our hard work, while praising our athletes for their dauntless efforts and courageous success. Because, participating in the telecast of passion, we can fully understand ourselves and help us to truly understand the meaning of self-confidence by means of this century-long opportunity. According to the organizing committee of the 10th National Games Organizing Committee of radio and television arrangements, we Yancheng radio and television station to assume the Nantong fencing match, Yancheng Division men’s basketball team stage and trampoline competition in Jiangyin Division broadcast tasks. From September 24 to