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目前,尽管各类教师培训轰轰烈烈,但作为一线教师参加有针对性的教学业务进修仍十分有限.很多数学教师的教学研究也只停留在数学解题方面,不能全方位地从教师、学生、教材及环境诸多角度加以把握;教师缺少学科教学知识教育心理学及课堂教学艺术方面的修养.但是,教师如果通过观摩别人的优秀教学案例,把自已的教学与优秀的教学案例进行对比,便可以快速地在他人的经验中得以高效的学习和提升.笔者愿意向广大一线数学教师推荐一本优秀的数学教学案例研究著作——《基于课程标准的数学教学研究》,本书是浙江师范大学教授张维忠博士在10年的课改中,深入学校,深入课堂,与教师一起探索、研究课堂教学,积数年的成果汇成的新作.以教学素材案例、教学设计案例、课堂教学 At present, despite the vigorous training of all kinds of teachers, as a front-line teacher, there are still very limited opportunities to participate in the targeted teaching business. Many teaching and learning of mathematics teachers are still limited to solving mathematical problems. They can not comprehensively teach teachers, students, And the environment to grasp a lot of point of view; lack of teachers knowledge of academic education and psychology of classroom teaching and classroom teaching, but if teachers by observing others outstanding teaching cases, their own teaching and excellent teaching case comparison, you can quickly In the experience of others to be efficient learning and promotion of the author is willing to recommend to the majority of front-line math teachers an excellent teaching case study of mathematics - “curriculum-based mathematics teaching research”, the book is Zhejiang Normal University professor Zhang Weizhong In 10 years of curriculum reform, Dr. went deep into the school, in-depth classroom, with teachers to explore and study classroom teaching, the product of the cumulative achievements of years.With teaching material cases, teaching design cases, classroom teaching
听评课一向被视为常规教研的重要内容,但是,校长听评课应该着眼于中观层面的学校管理,而非微观层面的教学研究。校长不能像教师那样听课,也不能代替教研员的角色,毕竟他们各自的专业背景不同、工作职责不同。校长不能为了听课而听课,而要透过课堂教学现象挖掘出其背后潜藏的学校管理问题,从而为改进学校管理提供依据。  从学校管理角度出发,校长听评课要关注以下5个问题。    办学思想是否  落到实处?    办学
I love summer holiday.  I go to the seaside with my parents.  It’s very beautiful there.  Some children are flying kites on the beach.  Some are making a sandcastle.  We all enjoy the nice vacation.  