“三公开”、“四到户”、“五统一”的规范化管理方式主流是好的,效果明显,广大群众拍手称快,出现的问题是执行中的枝节问题,只要采取相应措施,就可以使其健康发展,才能克服前进中的不足。 在电价的测算上,应结合实际,统筹掌握。提高农电工工资、待遇需要资金,管
The mainstream of the “three open,” “four-to-house,” and “five-unification,” standardized management methods are good, and the effect is obvious. The masses of people clapping and applauding, and the problems that arise are the problems of implementation, and as long as corresponding measures are taken, it is possible to make Its healthy development can overcome the deficiencies in progress. In the calculation of the electricity price, it should be combined with the actual, overall master. Raising the wages and benefits of the agricultural electricians requires funds.