林巴斯OM-D E-M10的外观风格与E-M5和E-M1非常相似,却更加小巧而精致。这款相机凭借小巧而精致的外形和丰富的功能荣获了2014TIPA大奖中的“最佳入门无反相机”奖项。奥林巴斯E-M10是新型入门级OM-D系统。该系统基于多个M.4/3镜头和1600万像素的影像传感器系统。金属机身很小,但很坚固。这个复古风格的相机使用了电子取景器和机背上的大尺寸液晶显示屏。
The look and feel of the Olympus OM-D E-M10 is very similar to that of the E-M5 and E-M10 but is more compact and sophisticated. This camera won the “Best Starter Reflexless” award at the 2014TIPA Awards for its compact size and rich functionality. Olympus E-M10 is a new entry-level OM-D system. The system is based on multiple M.4 / 3 lenses and a 16 megapixel image sensor system. Metal body is small, but very strong. This retro-style camera uses an electronic viewfinder and a large LCD screen on the back of the machine.