
来源 :证据学论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huahongtao
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2009年下半年至2010年上半年,我国证据法学领域的研究呈现出一派繁荣景象,不同专业背景的学者均从各自专业的视角探察证据与证明问题。尽管有些学者研究的专题似有相同,但却是异彩纷呈、各有精妙,这就为证据法学的研究注入了新鲜的生命血液,并提供了强劲的发展动力,同时也能不断地为我国将来的证据立法传输丰富的理论给养,并提供有效的技术支持。其中,既涌现出由点纵深切人的精辟阐释,又不乏由点带面式的严密剖析,同时亦有高瞻远瞩的整体考察与未 From the second half of 2009 to the first half of 2010, the research in the field of evidence law and jurisprudence has shown a thriving scene. Scholars of different professional backgrounds explore the evidence and proof from the perspectives of their respective professions. Although the topics studied by some scholars seem to be the same, they are colorful and sophisticated, which inject fresh blood into the research of evidence jurisprudence and provide a strong impetus for development. In the meantime, Evidence Legislative Transmission Rich Theory Nurture, and Provide Effective Technical Support. Among them, both emerge from the point of incisive insight into the incisive, but also no lack of rigorous analysis by point with the surface, but also have a far-sighted overall investigation and did not
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