我国有12.5亿人口,产生的生活和生产废物源源不断,每年产生生活垃圾数亿吨,且以每年约9%的速度增长。另据不完全统计,到2000年10月,我国有数百个品种,约数千亿元商品不符合环境保护要求,伴随产生的废弃物危害更大。在尚未处理利用好国内废物的情况下,应禁止境外废物入境,以保护我国环境不受境外废物污染。 一、国家的政策法规,为禁止境外废物入境提供了法律依据 《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》第24条规定:“禁止中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置。”如果按此条法规执法,就应该坚决禁止外国废物入境。第
With a population of 1.25 billion, China has a steady stream of living and production wastes, generating hundreds of millions of tons of domestic waste each year and growing at a rate of about 9% a year. According to incomplete statistics, as of October 2000, there are hundreds of varieties in our country. About several hundreds of billions of yuan of goods do not meet the requirements of environmental protection, and the wastes generated along with them are more harmful. In the case of domestic waste has not yet been dealt with the case, foreign waste should be banned from entering the country in order to protect our environment from foreign waste pollution. I. The State’s Policies and Regulations Provide a Legal Basis for Prohibiting the Entry of Overseas Waste Article 24 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes stipulates: “Prohibition of dumping, stacking and disposal of solid waste outside China” This law enforcement regulations, we should firmly prohibit the entry of foreign waste. No.