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近几个月来,在开往祖国各地的不少列车上,相继出现了一桩新鲜事——由列车服务人员出面,举办商品信息交流洽谈会。在贵阳客运段一五○次列车举办的信息交流会上,吉林市化工厂的采购员要为本单位购买一批电表,恰巧贵阳永江仪表厂的推销员在场,双方当场谈成了交易。长沙客运段北京车队第一组二次特别快车举办的信息洽谈会上,长沙通用机械厂等四个单位的供销员各自找‘对象’签订了供销合同,避免了长途跋涉去新疆。 In recent months, many new trains have appeared one after another on many trains that run across the country. The train service personnel came forward to hold commodity information exchange fairs. In the information exchange held in the 160th train of the passenger section of Guiyang, the purchaser of Jilin Chemical Factory purchased a number of meters for the unit, and it happened to be that the salesman of Guiyang Yongjiang Instrument Factory was present. The two parties became transactions on the spot. During the information meeting organized by the first group of special express trains of the first group of the Beijing passenger team in Changsha passenger transport section, the salesmen of four units including the Changsha General Machinery Plant each signed a supply and sales contract with the “object” and avoided the long journey to Xinjiang.
1.和医生约了吗?Do you have an appointment with the doctor?2.你挂号了吗?Have you registered yet?3.你有指定的医生吗?Do you have any designated-doctor?4.史密斯大夫
teach sb to do sth是大家很熟悉的语法结构,其意为“教某人做某事”。如:He promised to teach her to water-ski.他答应教她滑水。 Teach sb to do sth is a grammatical
中国国际加工包装机械及器材工业展览会(PACKAGING China 2007)和中国国际饮料和液态食品技术展览会(LiquiTek China 2007)将于2007年6月12-14日在上海新国际博览中心盛大举
Mr Hall was a rich business man and lived in a big house beside a beautiful river. Mr Hall was a rich business man and lived in a big house beside a beautiful
万亩金浪,万顷辉煌,万台收割机纵横吞吐,万吨稻谷颗粒归仓。 粮农数着票子,笑逐颜开:“我们今年真是增产又增收哇!” 地处江汉平原腹地、素有“全国水稻第一县”之称的湖北