目的:了解育龄人群行药物流产后的效果并进行评估。方法:对在辽宁省6个县计划生育服务站行药物流产的1 319名育龄妇女进行调查。结果:完全流产1 258名(95.38%),不全流产57名(4.32%),失败4名(0.30%);770名(58.38%)使用前担心效果,278名(21.08%)担心流血时间长;仅有34名(2.58%)认为费用较高;1 257名(95.30%)对效果满意;1 122名(85.06%)接受药物流产的原因主要是认为该技术简单方便;对药物流产注意事项知晓率最低的是术后半个月做B超检查,共558名(42.30%)。结论:药物流产技术在农村地区推广的效果比较好,应该建立长效机制,使更多的育龄妇女受益。
Objective: To understand the effect of medical abortion in childbearing age group and evaluate. Methods: A total of 1 319 women of childbearing age who underwent medical abortion at family planning service stations in 6 counties of Liaoning Province were investigated. RESULTS: Total abortion was 1 258 (95.38%), incomplete abortion 57 (4.32%), failure 4 (0.30%), 770 (58.38%) were worried before use, 278 (21.08% ; Only 34 (2.58%) considered that the cost was high; 1 257 (95.30%) were satisfied with the result; and 1 122 (85.06%) accepted medical abortion mainly because of the simplicity and convenience of the technique; The lowest awareness rate is B-ultrasound in half a month after surgery, a total of 558 (42.30%). Conclusion: The medical abortion technique has a good promotion effect in rural areas and a long-term mechanism should be established to benefit more women of childbearing age.