长链非编码RNA(Long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)及微小RNA(micro-RNA,miRNA)均为蛋白质非编码RNA(non-coding RNA,NcRNAs),作为重要的调控分子参与生命活动的不同过程。其中lncRNA H19及其衍生物miRNA-675能够参与多种疾病的发生发展,现将近几年有关lncRNA H19和miRNA-675在一些疾病中的研究进行综述。“,”Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) and micro-RNA (miRNA) are protein non-coding RNA (ncRNAs), as important regulatory molecules involved in different processes of life activities. Among them, lncRNA H19 and its derivative miRNA-675 can be involved in the occurrence and development of many diseases. Here, the recent research on lncRNA H19 and miRNA-675 in some diseases was reviewed.