山东省招远县罗山金矿是县办集体企业,职工952人,拥有2个矿区、一个设计能力为150吨/日的选矿厂,共有设备310台,原值400万元。1984、1985年被黄金总公司评为“设备管理优秀企业”。 我们的具体做法是: 一、着眼于提高认识,切实加强对设备管理工作的领导 过去,由于我们对设备管理工作没有从思想上引起足够重视,在实际工作中,重生产,轻设备;重使用,轻维修;重利润,轻管理;两眼盯产量,两手抓进度,只要设备转、天天拚命干,不讲管理,不管保养与维修,不注重设备使用的经济效益。这种“驴不死不卸磨”的做法,导致设备费用多、故障停机多,给矿
Zhaoyuan County, Shandong Province, Luoshan Gold Mine is a county-owned collective enterprises, 952 employees, with two mining areas, a design capacity of 150 tons / day of the concentrator, a total of 310 units of equipment, the original value of 4 million yuan. 1984, 1985 was Gold Corporation as “excellent equipment management companies.” Our specific approach is: First, focus on raising awareness, and earnestly strengthen the leadership of the equipment management In the past, because we did not pay enough attention to equipment management thinking in the actual work, re-production, light equipment; re-use , Light maintenance; heavy profit, light management; eyes stare production, grasp the progress with both hands, as long as the equipment turn, hard every day, do not talk about management, regardless of maintenance and repair, do not pay attention to the economic benefits of equipment use. This “donkey undead unloading mill” approach, resulting in more equipment costs, downtime and more to the mine