Teleton基金会是墨西哥最具影响力的慈善组织之一,从1999年至今,该基金会一直致力于残疾儿童的治疗及康复工作,并利用从社会各界筹集到的善款,与知名建筑师事务所Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos(SMA)合作,在全国范围内建设了二十余家医疗机构和康复中心。2013年,为了应对墨西哥居高不下的癌症死亡率,Teleton与SMA再度联手,在克雷塔罗州建造了一座儿童肿瘤医院,以帮助内陆地区身患癌症的婴幼儿抵抗疾病与死亡的威胁。
The Teleton Foundation is one of the most influential charities in Mexico. Since 1999, the Foundation has been working on the treatment and rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Using the funds raised from all walks of life, the Teleton Foundation works with renowned architects Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos (SMA), has built more than 20 medical institutions and rehabilitation centers across the country. In 2013, in response to the high cancer deaths in Mexico, Teleton and SMA once again joined forces to build a Children’s Cancer Hospital in Queretaro to help endanger the disease and death of infants and young children suffering from cancer in inland areas .