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如果有一个子虚镇,则必有一个乌有镇了,因为世上的奇闻异事从不孤立存在。我要讲的便是发生在乌有镇一个梦中杀人者的故事……1梦中杀人者,我国古代确有其人,便是那大名鼎鼎的曹操曹阿瞒。曹阿瞒是个精明风雅的政客。说到精明风雅,难免使人联想起那只赶着黄鼠去河边喝水的猫。话说有一天,猫捉到一只黄鼠,不过并没有立刻吃掉它,而是赶着黄鼠去河边喝水。黄鼠不明其意,不肯去。猫于是呲出尖牙,黄鼠 If there is a sub-virtual town, there must be a non-government town, because the world’s anomalies never exist in isolation. What I want to talk about is the story of a murderer who happened to have a dream in Wugyou Town.... 1 A man killed in a dream, an ancient Chinese indeed had his own people, that is, Cao Cao, the famous Cao Cao, concealed himself. Cao conceal a shrewd and elegant politician. When it comes to shrewd elegance, it is inevitably reminiscent of the cat that only drove the goose to the river to drink water. Saying one day, the cat caught a gopher, but did not eat it immediately, but catch the gopher to the river to drink water. Rat unknown, refused to go. Cats then bared fangs, gopher
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