
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:missjiro
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在中学历史教学中,我们一直是把历史教科书看得非常重要,认为历史教科书体现了中学历史学科的知识结构及其具体内容,是历史教师从事教学工作的基本凭借,学生进行历史学习的主要工具。这样认识历史教科书的作用,应该说是没有什么不对之处,历史教科书在教学中的地位和功能似乎没有必要再加讨论。但是,历史教科书毕竟只是中学历史课程的教学用书,尽管其作用非常重要,却不能过分夸大。在中学历史教学不断改革和创新的今天,重新审视历史教科书的地位和作用,辩证地、正确地看待和处理历史教学与历史教科书的关系,还是很有必要的。在这一方面,有一些流行的作法和观点,需要认真加以反思,方能加大历史教学改革的力度,有助于我国中学历史教学的向前发展。在此,笔者略谈一点管见,以期引起更深入的研讨。 In history teaching in middle schools, we have always taken the history textbooks very seriously. We believe that history textbooks embody the knowledge structure and specific content of the history disciplines in middle schools. They are the basic tools that history teachers engage in teaching, and the main tools for students to study history. . It should be said that there is nothing wrong with this understanding of the role of history textbooks. It does not seem necessary to discuss the position and function of history textbooks in teaching. However, history textbooks are, after all, teaching books for the history course of middle schools. Although their role is very important, they cannot be overstated. With the continuous reform and innovation of history teaching in middle schools, it is still necessary to re-examine the status and role of history textbooks and see and handle the relationship between historical teaching and history textbooks dialectically and correctly. In this regard, there are some popular practices and viewpoints that need to be carefully reflected in order to increase the intensity of historical teaching reforms and contribute to the development of the history teaching in middle schools in China. Here, the writer briefly talks about a point of view, in order to lead to more in-depth discussion.
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