First, the introduction In the circuit system, sometimes need to limit the amplification of a signal. The traditional method of limiting amplification is to pass the signal through a non-linear amplifier, using the saturation characteristics of components to achieve the purpose of clipping. Figure 1 shows a typical limiting circuit. The signal ν_1 is amplified by the amplification of R_1 / R_1. When the amplitude of ν_0 reaches the turn-on value of the regulator D_1, D_2, ν_0 is limited to the turn-on value of D_1, D_2 On, become trapezoidal wave. In this way, the output voltage is always limited to a certain amplitude regardless of the magnitude of the input signal (as long as it does not exceed the allowable input voltage of the operational amplifier). Obviously, the signal becomes severely distorted after such clipping, which for some circuits is irrelevant, while others are not allowed. In this case, we can only use the filtering method, filter out higher harmonics to maintain the shape of the original signal, but this method has two