在哈萨克族《黑走马》激扬的乐曲声中,2014全国越野滑雪锦标赛2月16日在国家5A景区那拉提鸣枪开赛,这是新疆首次承办国家级冬季运动赛事。比赛分男女两个组别,每个组别都有自由式滑雪、传统式滑雪、接力赛等5个比赛项目。来自解放军、黑龙江省、呼伦贝尔市、长春市、吉林市、通化市、白山市、哈尔滨市、大庆市、伊春市、黑河市、鸡西市、阿勒泰市、呼伦贝尔学院在内的14支省市代表队的87名专业选手进行了激烈的比赛。其中李学志、王强、马清华、曲颖等1 0多位参赛名将都曾取得过辉煌成绩。
In the sound of the Kazakh black horse, the 2014 National Cross-Country Ski Championships started its national shooting tournament on Narathiwat 5A on February 16, the first national winter sports event to be held in Xinjiang. The competition is divided into two groups: male and female. Each group has five competitions including freestyle skiing, traditional skiing and relay race. Representatives from 14 provinces and cities including People’s Liberation Army, Heilongjiang Province, Hulun Buir City, Changchun City, Jilin City, Tonghua City, Baishan City, Harbin City, Daqing City, Yichun City, Heihe City, Jixi City, Altay City and Hulunbeier College The team’s 87 professional players conducted a fierce competition. Among them, Li Xuezhi, Wang Qiang, Ma Qinghua, Qu Ying and other more than 10 participating stars have achieved brilliant achievements.