高利润来自每一个环节的高效率和所有的成功企业一样,斯堪尼亚努力为自己的客户、员工、股东和社会创造持续的财富,事实证明,她成功了:从1934年起公司一直持续盈利,即便在经济最低迷的时候。这归功于其产品的高利润率,更归功于企业的高效益。正如斯堪尼亚新闻官Hans-Ake Danielsson先生所说:“斯堪尼亚不是全球最大的制造厂,但我们
High profits come from every aspect of high efficiency Like all successful companies, Scania strives to create lasting wealth for its customers, employees, shareholders and society, and it turns out she has succeeded: The company has been in business since 1934 Profitable, even in the worst economy. This is due to the high profitability of their products and more due to the high efficiency of the business. As Scania Press Officer Hans-Ake Danielsson said: "Scania is not the world’s largest manufacturing plant, but we