Application of spherical Ni(OH)_2/CNTs composite electrode in asymmetric supercapacitor

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuliao2011
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The composite electrodes consisting of carbon nanotubes and spherical Ni(OH)2 are developed by mixing nickel hydroxide, carbon nanotubes and carbonyl nickel powder together in 8:1:1 ratio. A maximum capacitance of 311 F/g is obtained for an electrode prepared with the precipitation process. In order to enhance energy density, an asymmetric type pseudo-capacitor/electric double layer capacitor is considered and its electrochemical properties are investigated. Values for the specific energy and maximum specific power of 25.8 W·h/kg and 2.8 kW/kg, respectively, are demonstrated for a cell voltage between 0 and 1.6 V. By using the modified cathode of a Ni(OH)2/carbon nanotube composite electrode, the asymmetric supercapacitor exhibits high energy density and stable power characteristics. The composite electrode consisting of carbon nanotubes and spherical Ni (OH) 2 were developed by mixing nickel hydroxide, carbon nanotubes and carbonyl nickel powder together in 8: 1: 1 ratio. A maximum capacitance of 311 F / g obtained for an electrode prepared with the precipitation process. In order to enhance energy density, an asymmetric type pseudo-capacitor / electric double layer capacitor is considered and its electrochemical properties are investigated. Values ​​for the specific energy and maximum specific power of 25.8 W · h / kg and 2.8 kW / kg, respectively, are demonstrated for a cell voltage between 0 and 1.6 V. By using the modified cathode of a Ni (OH) 2 / carbon nanotube composite electrode, the asymmetric supercapacitor exhibits high energy density and stable power characteristics.
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今年春天,爸爸在阳台上种了一盆牵牛花。经过耐心地等待与每日地浇水,牵牛花的枝叶由少变多,越来越茂密了,继而长出了许多青绿色,顶部尖、后部圆的花苞。再后来,牵牛花就开花了,我常常跑到窗前静静地看它们,看它们寄托于盆中的一片美好天地,无声地展示着自己生长的欢喜。  牵牛花的枝,是直而又略有弯曲的青绿色细条,像激起的水花抛起无数条飞扬的弧线,又像佳节的烟火迸发的千百束弯曲的光。它们自末端向上扬起,又从中