从2004年起将增加“学人访谈”专栏。国务院学位委直接批的本一级学科的4位博导中,您是最年轻的也即将年届7旬了,在这个当口,本中心副主任兼本刊杂志社社长周金龙研究馆员和我们商量并几次指示我们就近对您做次专访。先从您这里尝试一下。您就别一再推辞了。可以说,您这一生都献给了图书情报事业,一定有很多体会和感慨,相信这些对青年图书情报工作者和图书情报专业学生是会有所启迪的。您看您是否先谈些经历,然后抒发一下感怀? 孟广均:谢谢大家。我这一生的确都献给了图书情报事
From 2004 onwards, we will add the column of “interviews with academics”. You are the youngest and about 70-year-old of the four subjects of the first-level disciplines directly under the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. At this juncture, Zhou Jinlong, a deputy director and director of the magazine magazine, We discussed and directed us several times to interview you shortly. Try it from you first. Do not say no more. It can be said that your life is dedicated to the cause of library and information industry. There must be many experiences and feelings. I believe these will be enlightening for young library and librarianship and library and information science students. You see if you talk about some experience, and then express feelings? Meng Guangjun: Thank you. My life is indeed devoted to library intelligence