Characteristics and Mechanism of Scrooping Sound of Silk

来源 :苏州丝绸工学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hogutan
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In this study a measurement instrument of scrooping sound has been develope.Thefollowing results were obtained by means of measurement and analysis for the frequencyspetrums of scrooping sound of silk : 1 The scrooping vibration is mainly composed of S- S( stick-slip vibration) ,F- V(free damping vibration) and S- C( characteristic high frequency vibration) vibrations. 2 The scrooping sound of silk mainly depends on F- V and S- S vibrations and be-longs to lower frequency sound,while the effect of S- C vibration is limited. 3 The wave and the vibration equations as well as some fromulas of relative physicalproperties have been established on the discussion about the stick- slip vibration. 4 The critical condition producing stick- slip vibration is( μs- μd)> 0. In this study a measurement instrument of scrooping sound has been develope.Thefollowing results were obtained by means of measurement and analysis for the frequencyspetrums of scrooping sound of silk: 1 The scrooping vibration is mainly composed of S-S (stick-slip vibration), F-V (free damping vibration) and S-C (characteristic high frequency vibration) vibrations. 2 The scrooping sound of silk mainly depends on F-V and S-vibrations and be-longs to lower frequency sound, while the effect of S-C vibration is limited. 3 The wave and the vibration equations as well as some fromulas of relative physical properties have been established on the discussion about the stick-slip vibration. 4 The critical condition producing stick- slip vibration is (μs- μd) > 0.
乌托邦市地王大厦2008层金碧辉煌的旋转会议室。  时值隆冬季节,窗外,天阴沉沉的。  中央电视台《经济半小时》关于“北京的房价已经开始出现下降”的消息,让中国房地产业的三大巨头王石、潘石屹、任志强相约到这里,探讨中国房地产的走向。  任志强还是那种锋芒毕露,抢先发言:“老王啊,你从2007年6月就抛出所谓中国楼市泡沫必破的怪论,最近又鼓吹‘拐点’论,你站在谁的立场说话?现在好了,中国的房地产让你