中国延安干部学院现场体验教学点 陕甘宁边区政府保安处旧址

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1935年10月,中共中央红一方面军长征到达陕北,11月5日以原中共中央苏区和红一方面军中的政治保卫局干部为基础,在瓦窑堡成立西北政治保卫局,负责西北苏区和红军中的肃反保卫工作。1 936年6月,西北政治保卫局随中央迁至保安,1937年1月迁至延安棉土沟。1 937年9月更名为陕甘宁边? In October 1935, the CPC Central Committee Red Army arrived in northern China on a long march. On November 5, based on the cadres of the Political Security Bureau of the former Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party and Red Cross First Forces, the Northwest Political Security Bureau was established in Wayaobao. Northwest Soviet Area and the Red Army to defend the security work. In June 1936, the Northwest Political and Security Bureau was relocated to the security guards with the Central Government and moved to Tumen ditch in Yan’an in January 1937. September 1937 changed its name to Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbian?
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is classically subdivided into ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). Patients with IBD have increased risk for col
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BACKGROUND: Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a serious and potentially fetal consequence of alcohol use. The diag- nosis of ALD is based on alcohol consumption,
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AIM: To investigate whether continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) in different filtration rate to eliminate cytokines would result in different efficienc