【摘 要】
Oct. 8, 2018 (Xinhua) -- The glass bridge is one of the highlights of the tourist area tucked away in north China’s Shanxi province. Touted by local authorities as a “5D glass bridge”, it attracted qu
Oct. 8, 2018 (Xinhua) -- The glass bridge is one of the highlights of the tourist area tucked away in north China’s Shanxi province. Touted by local authorities as a “5D glass bridge”, it attracted quite a few visitors during the National Day holiday. Different from typical glass bridges, this one in Cangshan Mountain can simulate different scenes such as “a sea of flowers”.
The charm and uniqueness of Guangxi’s March 3rd Festival lie not only in their excellence singing and dancing but also the ingenuity of local people. The festival is equipped with profound national cu
Ancient towns would be satisfying places to visit if you are fond of places that are unique, antique and not commercialized. There is no shortage of ancient villages and towns in China which boasts th
It is universally acknowledged that people from different cultures have their own unique perspective to think and behave. Just as some ethnic groups in Guangxi celebrate the March 3rd Festival (Sanyue
10月10日仍是柬埔寨“亡人节”的长假期,首都金边的喧嚣消失在“空城”的寂静中。柬埔寨的“亡人节”相当于中国的“清明节”,是柬埔寨传统盛大节日之一,也是亞洲国家最长的假期,每年佛历 10 月 1 日至 15 日为期 15 天在家祭祖、听僧侣诵经。与中国春节相比,柬埔寨的“亡人节”亦是家人团聚的盛会。有钱没钱,回乡过节,聚集金边近百万务工人员纷纷携家人返乡,金边的喧嚣、大街小巷车流为患的场面全无。
If you love exploring historical sites and off the beaten track sights, why not visit the well preserved ancient town of Guangxi for a great experience of traditional Chinese architecture and culture?
提起古城镇,丽江和大理古城总能第一时间占据游人的思绪,然而就在广西贺州,一座养在深闺人未识的古镇,一座中国第一风水古镇——黄姚古镇,就静静地矗立在时光深处。《茶是故乡浓》《酒是故乡醇》《春蚕织梦》《面纱》《英雄虎胆》等影视剧组取景于黄姚,不仅让黄姚走进了平常百姓视野中,更使世界认识了这秀气山水中蕴藏的岭南风情小镇。 古宅、古树、古道,都在诉说着黄姚镇的古老历史;群山、溪流、泉眼、凉亭无一不在展示