溶血尿毒综合征(以下简称HOS)是以溶血、黄疸、急性肾功衰竭、血小板减少为特征的一组综合征。死亡率高,多见于婴幼儿,近年国外成人HOS病例报告有所增加。我们在抗休克、抗感染等措施下,使用阿斯匹林、潘生丁治愈一例成人HOS,现报告如下: 病历摘要郭××,女,35岁,住院号1773。发病经过:产后24小时突然恶心、呕吐、腰酸,乏力、腹胀、全身浮肿、少尿、无尿、黄染、皮肤大片瘀斑,神志不清。由传染科排除急性黄疸型肝炎,于1978年3月31日转入内科治疗。产前无妊毒,产程顺利,娩出双胎男婴,未用宫缩药及解热镇痛药。查体:T35.2℃,P120次/分,R31次/分,血压测不到,神志不清,贫血貌,全身水肿,巩膜黄染,口腔粘膜、双上肢、前胸大片状紫癜,静脉穿刺处出血。心肺正常,腹部未见异常(宫底脐下一指)。化验:末梢血Hb7.5g(最低时达2g),RBC
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (hereinafter referred to as HOS) is a group of syndromes characterized by hemolysis, jaundice, acute renal failure, and thrombocytopenia. High mortality, more common in infants and young children in recent years, an increase of HOS cases reported in adults. We use anti-shock, anti-infection and other measures, the use of aspirin, dipyridamole to cure one case of adult HOS, are as follows: Medical records Guo × ×, female, 35 years old, hospital number 1773. After onset: 24 hours postpartum nausea, vomiting, backache, fatigue, bloating, generalized edema, oliguria, anuria, yellow dye, ecchymosis, unconsciousness. Acute jaundice hepatitis was excluded from the Department of Infectious Diseases and was transferred to medical treatment on March 31, 1978. No prenatal poisoning, labor process smoothly, giving birth to twins baby boy, uterotonic drugs and antipyretic analgesics. Examination: T35.2 ℃, P120 beats / min, R31 beats / min, blood pressure can not be measured, unconsciousness, anemia appearance, body edema, scleral yellow stained, oral mucosa, upper extremity, Venous puncture bleeding. Cardiopulmonary normal, no abnormalities in the abdomen (under the umbilical cord refers to the bottom finger). Assay: peripheral blood Hb7.5g (up to 2g), RBC