Winglets can inhibit the formation of wingtip vortex, reduce induced resistance and increase range. At present, the design goal of the winglets is to improve the lift resistance characteristics of the aircraft during the cruise phase, but can not provide the optimal drag reduction effect during the take-off and landing phases. In this paper, we design an extended-wingtip with a retractable grid structure to improve the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft taking off and landing, climbing and cruising phases by controlling the winglet wing height during flight. The AVL software based on the vortex method is used to calculate the effect of the retractable winglets on the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft. The results show that the retractable winglets can make The lift coefficient increases by 0.21%, the induced drag coefficient decreases by 0.57%, and the root bending moment coefficient increases by only 0.06%. Therefore, this retractable winglets have the potential to improve the take-off and landing performance of the aircraft.