当今粤剧艺坛上,有一位锲而不舍、硕果累累的笔耕者,他,就是广东粤剧院的中年编剧、艺术创作中心主任潘邦榛。(一) 潘邦榛身材瘦小,文质彬彬,却有一个威风凛凛的外号——“救火队”,因为他经常利用手中的笔,及时地为粤剧和广东曲艺界提供新作的剧本和粤曲,以解燃眉之急。20多年来,他坚守在戏剧阵地上,锲而不舍,辛勤笔耕,旺盛的创作热情在同行中是数一数二的。他一共创作、移植粤剧剧本50多个,创作粤曲230多首,撰写有关戏剧研究及评论文章近300篇,参与策划编写电视节目10多个;最近,他还和老一辈编剧家杨子静合编了一本词目丰富,可供人们依韵找词的工具书《广州话分韵词林》(由中山大学出版社出版),为粤剧、曲艺的写作和方言教学提供了方便。潘邦榛善于挖掘地方题材,岭南大地的一些历史人物,风物传说,民情世态,都曾被他通过戏曲手段在舞台上一展风采。他曾与编剧家刘南之合作,把原籍广东的近代文学家苏曼殊富有传奇色彩的一生写成
In today’s art scene in Cantonese opera, there is a perseverance and fruitful pen and plower who is Pan Bangzhen, a middle-aged screenwriter and art creation center of Guangdong Cantonese Opera Theater. (A) PAN Bang hazel, small, gentle, but there is a majestic nickname - “Fire Brigade”, because he often use his pen, in time for the Cantonese opera and Cantonese opera industry to provide new plays and Cantonese opera song, to solution Urgent For more than 20 years, he has been sticking to the drama position, perseverance, hard-working, and enthusiastic creative enthusiasm among his peers. He has composed and transplanted more than 50 plays of Cantonese opera, composed more than 230 first Cantonese songs, wrote about 300 articles on drama studies and commentary, and participated in the planning and preparation of more than 10 television programs. Recently, he also collaborated with the older generation screenwriter Yang Zijing A compendium of essays entitled “Guangzhou Dialect Rhyming Poetry” (published by Sun Yat-Sen University Press), which is a versatile essay for people to search for words according to their rhyme, provides convenience for the writing and dialect teaching of Cantonese opera and folk art. Pan Bang Hazel good at digging local themes, some of the historical figures in the Lingnan land, legend, public opinion, have been his style of play on stage through the show. He worked with screenwriter Liu Nanzhi to write the legendary life of the modern writer Su Manchu, a native of Guangdong,