世界工会联合会(world federation of Trade Unions—WFTU),简称世界工联,是三大国际性工会组织之一。1945年2月6日,苏、美、英和中国等40多个国家的工会代表在伦敦举行世界工会代表会议,筹备举行世界工会代表大会。总部设在捷克。同年9月25日至10月3日,在巴黎召开了第一次代表大会,10月3日宣布正式成立。1949年美、英等国工会以该组织反对“马歇尔计划”为由而退出,另行成立“国际自由工会联合会”。中国工会
World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), referred to as the World Federation of Trade Unions, is one of three major international trade unions. On February 6, 1945, trade union representatives from more than 40 countries including the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and China held the World Trade Union Representative Meeting in London in preparation for the World Trade Union Congress. Headquartered in the Czech Republic. The same year September 25 to October 3, held the first congress in Paris, October 3 announced the formal establishment. In 1949, trade unions in the United States, Britain and other countries withdrew from the organization’s opposition to the “Marshall Plan,” and set up the “International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.” Chinese trade unions