凡是到新加坡旅游的客人,除了逛市场,看风景,玩游艺场等节目外,最得意的就是去“吃”。 在新加坡想吃到地道的中国名菜一点也不困难,尤其是闽粤潮菜,更是应有尽有。至于鲁菜、川菜、上海菜、扬州菜等等也是毫不逊色。当地人所说的“中国菜”,不过是一个笼统的称呼。为的是便于和马来菜、印度菜、日本菜、印尼菜、泰国菜、阿拉伯菜以及西式菜区别开来。 印度菜给人的印象是浓厚的
Those who travel to Singapore, in addition to visiting the market, watching the scenery, playing games and other programs, the most proud of is to “eat.” In Singapore want to eat authentic Chinese cuisine is not difficult, especially in Fujian and Guangdong tide, it is everything. As for Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Shanghai cuisine, Yangzhou cuisine, etc. is no less. What locals call “Chinese cuisine” is just a general term. To facilitate the distinction between Malay, Indian, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai, Arabic, and Western. Indian food gives the impression is strong