档案的公布指将档案首次向社会公开。公布的档案内容要求是以前未曾公开过的 ,公布的形式是可供利用的任何公共传播媒介 ,公布的侧重点包括档案信息内容或其外在形式 ,公布的范围可以是有关档案的全部或其一部分 ,公布的受众要求是不特定的数量众多的人。公布档案的权利属于档案所有者 ,国家档案管理部门是依法管理国有档案的组织 ,代表国家行使公布国有档案的权利。档案的公布与档案的开放、利用存在着密切的联系 ,但不能将它们混为一谈
The release of the file means that the file will be made available to the public for the first time. Published requirements for the content of the archive have not been disclosed before, and the published format is any available public media. The focus of the publication is the content of the archive information or its external form. The scope of publication may be all or part of the relevant file Part of the announcement of the audience is unspecified in a large number of people. The right to publish archives belongs to the file owner. The state archives administration department is an organization that manages state archives in accordance with the law and exercises the right of publishing state archives on behalf of the state. There is a close relationship between the publication of archives and the opening up and utilization of archives, but they can not be confused