作者报告1972—3—1至1974—12—1自睫状体平部行玻璃体切除术治疗外伤后病变的48例病人。所有病人为穿通伤,异物或异物存留在限内或在眼后,或受撕裂伤,由异物引起角膜或巩膜的全层穿孔,但异物并未存留眼内。术后观察病人至少6月。观察41例。外伤至就诊为4天至40月(平均7.6月)。作者用玻璃体注入吸引切割器(Vitreous infusion suction cutter VISC)的睫状体平部玻璃体切除术。若晶体有白内障则用VISC做后晶体切除术。在安全许可下除去尽可能多的玻璃体。厚密的索条用玻璃体剪剪断,异物是在眼
The authors reported 48 patients who underwent vitrectomy for the treatment of posttraumatic lesions since March 3, 1972, to December 1974, from the ciliary body. All patients were penetrating wounds, foreign bodies or foreign bodies remain within the limits or behind the eyes, or laceration, corneal or sclera caused by foreign body full-thickness perforation, but the foreign body did not remain in the eye. Postoperative observation of patients at least 6 months. 41 cases were observed. Trauma to the treatment for 4 days to 40 months (an average of 7.6 months). Ciliary body vitrectomy with vitreous infusion suction cutter VISC. If the crystal is cataract with VISC after posterior lens removal. Remove as much vitamins as you can safely. Thick and thick cut with vitreous cut, foreign body is in the eye