暴发性脉络膜出血是内眼手术罕见的并发症之一,一般予后极差,常常需做眼球摘除或眼内容物剜出术。我们所遇2例,均采用了保守治疗,取得较好的结果,现报告如下: 例,患者,张××,男,38岁。主因“右眼视物不清10年。加重1年”,门诊以“右眼白内障成热期”于1992、3、26收入院。10年前,无任何诱因,出现右眼视物不清,曾在当地医院诊为“右眼白内障”给予“白内停”眼药水点眼治疗,效果不显著,视力进行性下降,1年前,右眼视物不见。体格检查
Fulminant choroidal hemorrhage is a rare complication of intraocular surgery, the general poor prognosis, often need to do or removal of the eyeball eye surgery content. We have encountered two cases, have adopted a conservative treatment, achieved good results, are as follows: Cases, patients, Zhang × ×, male, 38 years old. The main reason for “right eye blurred vision for 10 years. Increased 1 year” out-patient to “right eye cataract into heat” in 1992,3,26 income hospital. 10 years ago, without any incentive, there is blurred vision of the right eye, had a local hospital diagnosed as “right eye cataract” given “white stop” eye drops eye drops treatment, the effect is not significant, visual acuity decreased 1 year ago , The right eye sight disappeared. Physical examination